Saturday, March 8, 2008

Losing Hope

I've been in a daze lately
wondering if you will comeback
and still be mine.

Morning has not been the same
Cause of the last things you
said to me that night.

I had sleepless night time seems
to run a little slow right now
like I'm in another place and time

Everyday that pass by i can't stop but
loose hope. yes I'm dying inside
can't think of anything but you!

Without you there's no hope for me
you all that i got. i hope you'll still return
and give me back hope and light to my life.

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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Not Easy

I don;t want to let you go but
i want you to be happy thats
why even though it hurts
I'll let you go.

Its not easy but i have to
move on, maybe knowing that
your happy can help me do things
i know i can't do.

It's hard to let you go.
i just hope you will still be my happy ending...
but i can't be selfish

I'll do this but it's not easy...

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